About FaceTraceBot

Intersection of Faces and Social Footprints

In the digital era, where identities span both the physical and online realms, understanding someone’s digital persona becomes an intriguing endeavor. At the heart of our technology lies the ambition to seamlessly weave these two worlds together.

Drawing inspiration from the latest advancements in deep learning and computer vision, our platform transcends traditional boundaries. By merely processing a photo of a face, our AI doesn't just recognize—it understands, probes, and presents a comprehensive overview of an individual's digital landscape.

But why did we embark on this journey? As more of our lives become intertwined with the digital sphere, the line between offline and online personas blurs. Whether you're looking to foster professional networking, reignite long-lost connections, or simply gain a better understanding of the world around you, our tool provides unparalleled insights.

While our technology is powerful, we also recognize the immense responsibility that comes with it. We’re committed to using this power judiciously, ensuring our users' privacy remains paramount, and promoting a platform that respects the ethical considerations of our time.

Whitepaper soon

FaceTrace unique

Photo-Powered Insights

Transform facial snapshots into deep digital profiles with a single click.

Cross-Platform Profiling

Delve into a unified view from multiple social networks, all in one place.

Privacy-Centric Approach

User data security is our mantra; your trust, our utmost priority.

Swift & Seamless Experience

Designed for instant results, experience the future of social discovery without the wait.

Token Information

What you need to know about FaceTracebot Token

The strategic blueprint of our blockchain innovation. Our carefully designed token model upholds both scalability and sustainability, ensuring robust value creation for our community.

Buy Token
  • Name

  • Symbol

  • Blockchain

  • Total Supply

    1'000'000'000 Tokens
  • Tax

    Buy 3% / Sell 3%
Road Map

The Journey of
FaceTraceBot AI

Phase 1
Ideation and Strategy

- Defining the vision and mission of the FaceTrace token
- Identifying key features and benefits of the token and AI utility
- Developing the initial business and tokenomic models
- Establishing strategic project timelines and resource allocations

Phase 2
Development Preparation

- Assembling the technical and advisory team
- Setting up development infrastructure and technology stack
- Designing the FaceTrace token and AI architecture
- Initiating a detailed security and risk assessments

Phase 3
Token and AI Development

- Coding and testing the FaceTrace token on the Ethereum blockchain
- Developing AI capabilities, ensuring seamless and intelligent user interaction
- Integrating the FaceTrace token with the AI
- Conducting iterative testing and refinements, with a focus on security and user experience

Phase 4
Beta Testing and Refinement

- Deploying the FaceTrace token and AI on testnet
- Soliciting beta testers to provide real-world testing scenarios and feedback
- Iterating and refining the system based on feedback
- Enhancing system security and performance

Phase 5
Launch Preparation

- Developing and executing a comprehensive marketing and PR strategy
- Setting up community channels for communication and feedback (Telegram, Discord, Reddit, etc.)
- Establishing partnerships for broader utility and adoption of the FaceTrace token
- Preparing for DEX listing(s)

Phase 6
Token and Utility Launch

- Deploying the FaceTrace token on the Ethereum mainnet
- Launching the AI utility, integrated with the FaceTrace token
- Starting the token sale
- Collecting user feedback for continuous improvements and additional features